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October Training Insider – True Independence is Taking Responsibility

General Issues, Self-Development, 0 3902

As Nigeria celebrates her 57th independence anniversary, felicitations are surely not out of place. Even the most incurable cynics cannot argue the fact that there is indeed a lot to celebrate. However, it can be argued that the reasons and scope for celebration at a personal level will vary amongst individuals. The reason is simple, while the country celebrates her independence, how many citizens truly feel independent?

If you live in Nigeria there are myriad external forces beyond your control. There will always be obstacles in your way. There will always be something or someone to complain about.

However, true independence is declaring that “Starting today I will not depend on, wait on, or hope for luck, the lottery, the company, fate, or the government to help me change my life?  I will take responsibility for my own life. I will set my own course. I will make my own success. I will take action. I will persist. I will find lessons in setbacks. I will look forward not backward. I will turn haters into motivators. I will be empowered by my circumstances not impeded by them. I can achieve whatever I want and nothing can hold me back. I own my future. This is my Independence Day!”

Accept and believe that you and you alone must be responsible for your life. This is how you take back control. This is how you reach your dreams. This is true independence!

Information is key to self-determination and mastery, so to help you on your way, we have put together all October 2017 upcoming training, seminars, conferences, workshops and other learning opportunity in our October edition of Training Insider – a monthly digest of upcoming learning opportunities.

Please download your copy of the Training Insider  HERE

Happy Independence Nigeria!

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